
Så spelades det upp i huvudet, på engelska i berättarform.
Återvändandet till sommarstället ute på ön utan asfalt, den
röda stugan, solskimmer och havsglitter.

Bara en massa rabblande om vad som kunde hända då,
när en inte var barn längre:

- I guess we came there for the weekend.
- I guess we were smiling all the time.
- I guess we were lying on a blanket, reading for hours
- I bet we had a wonderful dinner, simple but wonderful
- I bet we had salt in our hair from all the bathing
- I bet we were wearing shorts
- I bet we were happy when the evening came
- I bet we gent to bed, giggling, hugging each other
- I bet we were looking out of the window, watching the sea
- I bet the sun went down and that the sky gave us our two favourite colors
- I bet we fell asleep smiling


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