There was a time

Så, igår tjuvstartade vi Thankgiving med firande hos Zach's mamma.
Idag, Thanksgiving... vi inledde dagen med ett 5 k called Turkey Trot.
So much fun.

I paketet ingick lustiga mössor och snygga strumpor med
kalkoner på m.m. 3000 anmälda, men jag tror inte alla dök upp,
8.30 på morgonen, runt 0 grader och snö!

Jag kunde såklart inte springa "just for fun", vill ju springa så snabbt jag
kan om det är tävling, fast loppets approach var ju mest about having a
good time, många gick osv. Aja, jag kom 3:a, av tjejerna med tiden 19.05,
jag fick en Pumpkin pie vid målllinjen. Till det vill jag tillägga att...

There was a time when I thought running fast would make people like
me more, or like for e.g. good results in school, but now I know; no.
But and so: I'm not trying to say "oh I did this and that, so love me". I'm just
saying, and being honest to myself, sometimes (when I have a good chance
in a game) I like to do my best.
To me it's about being honest to myself and accepting. I didn't stay with the
group, I went by myself further, almost to the start line before the race began.
I wanted to compete, so I did.
And, even if I was feared what my friends would think, when we came home, after
having brunch, I was not tired. I could have lied, played a social game and said,
"oh yeah, I do too want to take a nap." or like "oh, all I want right now is a warm
shower" But no, again, being honest to both myself and my friends. I was not tired,
I wanted to run more, so I said "I will run some more", then I went out and ran 10 k.

På kvällen var det Thanksgiving dinner med Zack's pappas familj. Fint.




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