Sweet day so far

A swedish woman (S) interacts with Americans (A1-3, women, A4-6 men).

Going to the gym...

S sees the beautiful morning sky through the windows.
S goes to the desk to swipe her card and get into the gym.
At the desk where A1 and A2 works they have their back
against the beautifulness.

S: Morning! Have you seen the sky today?
A1 and A2 at the same time: WOW MAN!!!

Made me smile.
Riding and parking the bike...
After parking the bike, S hear A4-6 sitting at a bench talking and
being very excited and impressed about something. S first ignores
them, pretends to be busy with the bicycle lock, but becomes to
curious and look at them and say something like

S: What?
Then she gets three answers at the same time, A4-6 are still very excited,
so it is hard to hear what they are saying, but something like this
A4-5: "amazing" "ballet skills getting of the bike" "man"
So apparently, S did some kind of ballet performance getting of the bike. Proud.

Made me smile.

Going to lunch...
S goes to the desk to swipe her card and get into the dining hall.

A3: Hi beautiful!
A3 then swipes S's card and says
A3: Thank you gorgous!

Made me smile.

/S, over and out.



you made ME smile and even laugh here honey!

Svar: Nice!

2013-11-20, 23:21:54

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