I know
This afternoon I'm reading "Psychology" by Gleitman.
I will try to understand what I'm reading and finally also remember it.
Anyway, what I wanted to tell you was that I've just learned something
about my favoite play with infants. It is explained under the headline
"Psysical and Sensorimotor Development in Infancy and Childhood".
Ett spädbarn har inte så bra kontroll när det gäller kroppsrörelser, men
har trots allt ett par reflexer, including my favourite!!! I love the feeling
when it happends.
I will try to understand what I'm reading and finally also remember it.
Anyway, what I wanted to tell you was that I've just learned something
about my favoite play with infants. It is explained under the headline
"Psysical and Sensorimotor Development in Infancy and Childhood".
Ett spädbarn har inte så bra kontroll när det gäller kroppsrörelser, men
har trots allt ett par reflexer, including my favourite!!! I love the feeling
when it happends.

Grasp reflex - an infantile reflex in wich an infant
closes her hand into a fist when her palms is touched.
Anyway, now I'm going to Cabell Hall to an audition for a choir club.
I hope it's a nice choir and that it wont be to hard to get in...
UTVECKLINGSPSYKOLOGI alltså, vänta bara på anknytningsteorin - allas favorit!